About Journal

    Rheumatism or rheumatic disorder refers to an acute or chronic illness which is characterized by inflammation and reduced function of connecting or supporting structures such as the joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles. Polymyalgia rheumatic, sometimes referred to as PMR, is a common cause of widespread aching and stiffness that affects adults over the age of 50, especially Caucasians. Because polymyalgia rheumatic does not often cause swollen joints, it may be hard to recognize. It may occur with another health problem, giant cell arteritis.

    Rheumatica Acta: Open Access is an initiative of Peertechz to bring breakthrough manuscripts in all areas related to Rheumatology to support research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of rheumatic disorders. The mission of Rheumatica Acta: Open Access is to raise awareness of the importance of early diagnosis in the commonly misdiagnosed condition of polymyalgia rheumatic.


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